The Chapel of the Resurrection is Baay's significant edifice symbolizing the unity and solidarity of Baayeños in the Roman Catholic faith. It is situated at an obscure place at Sitio Pandayan, amidst trees and surrounded with natural sounds of regular church dwelling birds that adds to the splendor and enchantment of the chapel.
Its construction was inspired by the old chapel - the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Chapel at Sitio Sagur built in the early 1960's in honor of the Sitio Sagur's Saints - Nuestra Señora del Rosario and San Gregorio Papa. In the early 1980's the Sitio Sagur Hermanidad saw the need for a new and updated chapel as the existing chapel was already in the stage dilapidation.
Energized by this goal the elders of the Sitio particularly the members of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Hermanidad together with a few people of equivalent vision namely, Arch. Ben Soriano and the late Atty. Saturnino Orate & the late Sitio's grand old man Silvestre Ulanday started to have talks for the construction of a center and of a chapel where spiritual acts and piety may be practiced by the residents.
Architectural design of the chapel was conceived and was given pro bono by an ace architect from Baay, Arch. Ben B. Soriano, who eventually became the association's fourth president. During Arch. Soriano's term the realization of the organization's main objective was brought to fruition, construction of the chapel started with the pouring out of cash donations coming from generous benefactors. Through Arch. Soriano's endeavour the chapel construction project was adopted by the United Architects of the Philippines - Maharlika Chapter for which he is a bona fide member and thus support (material & technical) in the course of the construction were made available. But the most benevolent way of constructing the chapel was done by the faithful natives of Barangay Baay. They used the traditional Filipino custom of "bayanihan " through volunteerism on certain periods of construction- all the six sitios were well represented as they were each assigned a day in the week for the laborers, masons, construction workers to work for free in the chapel's construction.
During the construction, the need to widen the road towards the chapel and through the kind donation of the late Mercedes Ulanday, a portion of her property was allocated to widen the road.
The Spiritual Reawakening & the Chapel's Construction
In the early 1990, a well-attended consultative assembly opened the flood gates of spiritual reawakening among the people. Arrangements were made with the Lingayen Parish for a regular mass in Barangay Baay every last Saturday of the month which commenced on February 24, 1990. Aside from the spiritual enrichment, Rev. Fr. Javino Batecan, who was the Chairman for the archdiocesan Social Action Center, unselfishly implanted his knowledge and initiated opportunities in livelihood program adding energy to draw people nearer to the church.
The year 1991, was a significant year, a remarkable surge in cooperative participation among barangay residents came about at the height of the spiritual activities. Socio-religious organization were formed in the preparation for the celebration of the First United Baay Fiesta in honor of the Resurrected Christ, among them was the Baay Ladies Circle headed by Lydia Estrada, Perla Ulanday and Nelda Escaño. Youth choir, lectors/commentators and Extra Eucharistic Ministers (EEM) were also formed, with its pioneering members the late Perla Ulanday, Adoracion S. Manalo, Leonida S. Cacatian and Nelda Escaño, and the EEM tandem of Antonio C. Buen and Rolando R. Cruz. In March 31, 1991 the much anticipated First United Baay Fiesta highlighted by the chapel's corner stone laying graced by the Archbishop Federico Limon of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan.
As the construction of the chapel was on-going, ANMB sprouted with the establishment of ANMB-Manila Chapter in 1992 with its first president, Dr. Alfredo Caramat. The organization's main objective was to tap Manila based Baayeño's to extend their support in the livelihood & social projects of the mother association and in the construction of the chapel.
After three years, the construction of the chapel was completed and was inaugurated and consecrated by Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, D.D. of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan on the Easter of 1993 on the occasion of the 3rd Unified Barangay Baay Day. The chapel was apropos to name the Chapel of the Resurrection in honor of the Resurrected Christ, whose feast is celebrated on Easter Sunday - which happens to be Unified Barangay Baay Day. With the completion and inauguration of the chapel. Religious activities in the church was heightened, with the help of the team ministry of the Three Kings Co-cathedral, regular Sunday Masses were celebrated, and regular activities were provided like the celebration of the words and the Eucharist on Monday and Sunday evenings, the once a month Holy Hour, the daily Rosary, the Twin Hearts Consecration and the BEC formation. Among the first batch of priests who celebrated mass in the newly constructed chapel were, Rev. Fr. John Palinar, Rev. Fr. Jose Estrada, Rev. Fr. Victor Z. Embuido and Rev. Fr. Manuel Bravo.
The Chapel - Through the Years
Through the years the chapel flourished with its regular masses and its regular year round activities. The oldest annual festival aside from the Easter Sunday Feast is the Flores De Mayo founded by Elsa I. Soriano in the year 1992. It is a month long endeavor providing basic catechism for children and praying of the Holy Rosary in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary culminated with a Santacruzan featuring the children participants and highlighted by the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is also the Celebration of Mama Mary's Birthday of September, the Rosary Month - a month long public recitation of the Holy Rosary called the Tower Rosary in the month of October highlighted by a procession and the Feast of Jesus the Nazarene in January. Feast days of the Sitio's Saints are now being celebrated with a Holy Mass in the chapel such as the feast of St. Anthony of Sitio Centro, Sr. San Roque of Sitio Balingcaguing & Nuestra Señora Del Rosario of Sitio Sagur.